About Us
Boyz With Apple is an artist collective founded by Fiona Bruckman, Frances Rippy, and Naomi Friedman in 2022. Clownz With Apple, the production company under our umbrella, was founded one year later, in 2023. Clownz With Apples is funded almost entirely by the generous support of our Patrons, recognized below. To support the Clownz world premiere, donate here!
Become a Patron
Visit our donation page to become a patron and learn about rewards!
Our Patrons
Boyz With Apple and Clownz With Apple would like to sincerely thank our generous patrons for their support. We wouldn't be able to make theatre without you!
Andrew Bryant
Andrew Shook
Adriana Marquez
Avi Klipfel
Betty White
Betty White
Billy Issertell
Chris Dun
Claire Siatta
Dana Duclo
Daniel Pailes-Friedman
Davis & Libby Robinson
Debbie Kelsey
Debra Hachen
DMH Mendoza Productions
Dr. & Mr. Ariel Friedman
Ella Talerico
Emily Weems
Fiona Bruckman
Frances Rippy
Fran & Charlie Steinberg
Georgette Kleier
Hally Smith
Isabel Bruckman
Jamie Gonzalez
Jeffrey Mills
Jessie Drumm
Joanna Gomez
John and Barbara Mein
Julie Weisman and Stephen Friedman
Kristin Shook
Laura Starr
Laura Steinberg
Lily Friedman
Linda Mackey
Linette Taylor
Liz Hetzel
Martine Kei Green-Rogers
Mary Jo Hernandez
Mary McCann
Matsu Hikida
Matthew Williams
Melissa and Dino Perrotta
Mollie Dickson
MV Shook
Myles Beltran
Pilar Boucher
Rhonda and Chalres Shook
Stephen Friedman
Susan Taylor
Theo Duclo
The Rippy Family
Veronica, Pam, and John Siatta
Wendy Foldman
Wesley Heannings
Will DeVary
Zeke Berman
Artist Patrons
Boyz With Apple and Clownz With Apple would also like to sincerely thank the many generous artists who have donated their time and talent to our fundraising events. We wouldn't be able to make theatre without you!
Abby Palen / Aisle Five / Amelia Hernandez / Becca Pailes-Friedman / Dana Major / Dave King / DJ CqqchiFruit / Eliot Mihail Sichitiu / Emily Christopherson / Emily Weems / Hansels Hands / Kate Revels / Katherine Hemstreet / Levi Dematteo / Lexi Putter / Lynsy Folckomer / N'kosi Barber / Naomi Friedman / Quinn Lewis / Tong Pan